Protect Your Finances With A Gold IRA Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^ An explosive investigation into the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) has revealed that only a mere 33% of the $90 million in donations received actually went towards charitable causes. Shockingly, millions were funneled into the pockets of BLM leaders, their friends, and family, while the organization suffered substantial losses. The foundation, under the leadership of co-founder Patrisse Cullors, splurged on lavish homes and awarded lucrative contracts to close associates. Additionally, BLMGNF generously funded LGBTQ causes, anti-police groups, and organizations focused on African descendants, even as their non-profit status was revoked. This scandalous misuse of funds has left donors betrayed and questions about BLM's true agenda. View the full report here: Read More: Check out our Link Tree: Sub to the channel: Get On Our Email List: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT THE OUR REPORTING AT THE LINKS BELOW! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Donate With Paypal: Give BTC: 13Hd1HFqS5CDLCMcFQPWu9wumubo6X2hSM Next News T-Shirt Shop: Books That Teach Freedom! Get the equivalent of a Ph.D. in libertarian thought and free-market economics online for just 24 cents a day! Visit: Restore YOUR Online Privacy here: Enter Promo Code: nextnews for 20% OFF ! Be Ready in ANY disaster. Stock up on Survival Food here: ---------------------------------------- FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL! --------------------------------------- Telegram: Copyright Disclaimer: Citation of articles and authors in this report does not imply ownership. Works and images presented here fall under Fair Use Section 107 and are used for commentary on globally significant newsworthy events. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Community Guidelines Disclaimer: The points of view and purpose of this video is not to bully or harass anybody, but rather share that opinion and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about the subject. #NextNews #core...(read more)

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Exposed: Lavish Lifestyle of BLM Leaders as Donors' Dollars Vanish into Thin Air! In recent times, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has gained significant attention globally, raising awareness about systemic racism and advocating for justice and equality. As with any influential movement, it is imperative to ensure transparency and accountability to maintain the trust of its supporters. Unfortunately, recent reports have shed light on the alleged lavish lifestyle of some BLM leaders, leading to concerns about the misuse of funds meant for the cause. While the majority of BLM activists are genuinely committed to the cause, recent criticisms have focused on a select few who may have taken advantage of the movement's popularity and financial backing. Allegations of mismanagement and questionable financial practices are circulating, shaking the core of the movement. Numerous reports highlight the opulent lives led by certain BLM leaders. Social media posts showcasing luxury cars, expensive vacations, and designer wardrobes have raised eyebrows and fueled suspicions about the movement's leaders. These allegations suggest that they used donations intended for fighting racial injustice and supporting affected communities to fund their own extravagant lifestyles. One particular concern is the apparent lack of transparency regarding financial transactions between BLM leaders and their affiliated organizations. Critics argue that the movement has not provided clear financial reports on the use of funds, which gives rise to speculation about embezzlement or personal enrichment. This lack of accountability erodes the trust of donors, as their contributions seem to have vanished into thin air. It is vital to note that these allegations are directed only towards specific individuals and not the entire Black Lives Matter movement or its ideals. The larger BLM movement is still a force for positive change, working towards eradicating racial injustice and police brutality. The vast majority of activists within BLM remain dedicated, committed, and transparent about their financial practices. To address these concerns, it is crucial for BLM leaders to establish transparent financial reporting systems. By providing regular updates on donations received and how they are allocated, leaders can reassure donors that their funds are being used appropriately. Moreover, BLM should actively investigate any allegations of financial mismanagement, holding accountable those responsible for any wrongdoing. Supporters, donors, and the public at large should continue to be discerning and engaged. While few individuals' actions may tarnish the reputation of the movement, it is important to remember that BLM's mission remains critical and valid. It should not be overshadowed by the actions of a select few. In conclusion, the exposure of a lavish lifestyle by some BLM leaders, allegedly funded by donations, raises significant concerns about the misuse and mismanagement of funds. It is imperative for the movement's leaders to address these allegations transparently and take swift action to restore trust among supporters. Critics need to remember that these allegations are directed towards specific individuals and should not undermine the larger goals and aspirations of the Black Lives Matter movement. Overall, it is a reminder that transparency, accountability, and vigilance are essential in any influential movement, as they help safeguard its integrity and efficacy. https://inflationprotection.org/unveiled-lavish-lifestyle-of-blm-leaders-and-questions-surrounding-disappearing-donors-funds/?feed_id=107668&_unique_id=648a1d17660cc #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #401ktogoldirarollover #activists #antipolice #bestiragold #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #BLMGNF #boardmembers #charity #cofounder #conservativenews #contractors #DonaldTrumpnews #donations #financialscandal #fiscalyear #FoxNews #GaryFranchi #goldiracompanies #grants #latestNews #LGBTQcauses #MarkDice #misusedfunds #newschannel #NextNewsNetwork #nonprofit #PatrisseCullors #PaulCullors #preciousmetalsira #PresidentDonaldTrump #satire #GoldIRA #401ktogoldirarollover #activists #antipolice #bestiragold #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #BLMGNF #boardmembers #charity #cofounder #conservativenews #contractors #DonaldTrumpnews #donations #financialscandal #fiscalyear #FoxNews #GaryFranchi #goldiracompanies #grants #latestNews #LGBTQcauses #MarkDice #misusedfunds #newschannel #NextNewsNetwork #nonprofit #PatrisseCullors #PaulCullors #preciousmetalsira #PresidentDonaldTrump #satire
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