In this video, we have discussed the essential news articles from different editions of "The Hindu" News Paper. This video decodes relevance of each article by comprehensively linking with UPSC syllabus, background for the article, present context, and 360-degree analysis of each article for UPSC Prelims and Mains dimensions. At the end of the video, a Practice-cum-Revision session on UPSC Previous/Model MCQs is available, and Model/Previous Mains Questions are discussed/given for your practice. Notes with Annotations: Notes without Annotations: Notes convenient for printing: a. Single Side Notes: b. Double Side Notes: Time Stamping ►►Introduction - 00:00 ►►List of Topics - 00:12 1. Modi’s U.S. visit yields many vital agreements - 00:22 2. GE Aerospace, HAL sign MoU for manufacture of jet engines in India - 00:22 3. Increase in liver disease ‘caused by poor diet and lifestyle’ - 05:45 4. Deliver e-scooter reserved by buyer or issue refund: consumer forum - 13:59 5. MPC stresses need for inflation vigil - 18:01 6. L&T, DRDO sign pact to build AIP modules - 21:56 7. Rethinking importance of cord blood in regenerative medicine - 26:56 8. ‘Issue writ of quo warranto against Senthilbalaji’ - 32:19 9. Prelims Practice Questions - 34:53 10. Mains Practice Questions - 37:27 #USstateVisit #Modi #JetEngine #MOU #FattyLiverDisease #NCDRC #ConsumerCourt #MPC #Reporate #Inflation #AIP #AdvantagesofAIP #CordBloodBank #QuoWarranto Link for daily ‘The Hindu’ news analysis - Visit our website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - For UPSC & TNPSC books - #TheHindunewspaperanalysis #DailyCurrentAffairs #thehinduanalysis #currentaffairstoday #DailyNewsSimplified #UpscThehindunewspaper #Currentaffairsforupsc #thehindutoday #Thehindutodayanalysis #TheHindueditoral #Thehindunewstoday #Currentaffairstoday #CurrentAffairsUPSCAnalysis #upsccurrentaffairs #shankarias #shankariasacademy #shankariascurrentaffairs #shankariasacademycurrentaffairs #upsccurrentaffairs2023 #currentaffairsforupsc #currentaffairsquiz #currentaffairsquiz2023 #upsccurrentaffairsquiz #importantcurrentaffairs #importantcurrentaffairs2023 #prelims2023 #upscprelims2023 #upscpreparation #upscmotivation #upscelimination #upsctricks #upsctrending #CurrentAffairs #USPC #IAS #UPSC #Currentaffairs #upsccurrentaffairs #UPSCCSE2023 #upsc #Currentaffairsforupsc #currentaffairstoday...(read more)

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The Hindu Daily News Analysis || 23rd June 2023 || UPSC Current Affairs || Mains & Prelims '23 The Hindu newspaper has always been a valuable resource for UPSC exam aspirants as it provides in-depth coverage of current affairs. Today, let's delve into the key topics covered in The Hindu's 23rd June 2023 edition and analyze their significance for UPSC Mains and Prelims examination in 2023. 1. New education policy's impact on primary education: The Hindu discusses the implementation and potential impact of the new National Education Policy (NEP) on primary education. As an aspirant, it is crucial to understand the key reforms proposed, such as the shift towards a 5+3+3+4 structure, focus on foundational literacy, and competency-based learning. This article can help you develop insights for questions on education reforms and their implications. 2. India's stance on climate change: The Hindu highlights India's commitment to combat climate change as it ratifies the Paris Agreement 2023. The article emphasizes India's national goals related to renewable energy, emission reduction, adaptation, and financial needs. Understanding India's stance and its strategies to tackle climate change is essential for writing a comprehensive answer on international environmental agreements or for tackling an essay on sustainable development. 3. Challenges in criminal justice system: The Hindu sheds light on the challenges faced by the Indian criminal justice system, such as delays in trials, overcrowded prisons, and lack of infrastructure. This article can be used to enrich your answers on judicial reforms, prison reforms, or even while writing an essay on the Indian legal system. 4. Cryptocurrency regulation in India: The article discusses the government's plan to introduce a bill for regulating cryptocurrencies in India. It explores the pros and cons, concerns around money laundering, and the need to balance innovation with regulation. Having knowledge about cryptocurrency regulations will help you tackle questions related to financial and economic policies, innovation, and emerging technologies. 5. India's defense partnership with the USA: The Hindu covers the growing defense partnership between India and the USA, including joint military exercises, intelligence cooperation, and technology transfers. This article holds relevance for questions related to India's foreign policy, defense agreements, and strategic partnerships. 6. Sustainable tourism in India: The Hindu highlights the importance of sustainable tourism and its potential for economic growth. It discusses initiatives such as eco-tourism, community-based tourism, and the role of local communities in protecting natural and cultural heritage. This article can provide you with valuable insights for answers related to environmental conservation, tourism policies, and responsible tourism. 7. Challenges in the agriculture sector: The article focuses on challenges faced by the agricultural sector, including fragmented land holdings, lack of access to credit, and the need for technological interventions for sustainable agriculture. It can be used to address questions related to agricultural reforms, rural development, and food security. In conclusion, The Hindu Daily News Analysis of 23rd June 2023 covers a wide range of topics relevant for UPSC Mains and Prelims examination. As an aspirant, staying abreast of current affairs through such analysis is crucial to develop a comprehensive understanding of issues and their implications. Make sure to incorporate these insights into your preparation strategy to enhance your chances of success in the UPSC examination of 2023. https://inflationprotection.org/analysis-of-the-hindu-daily-news-23rd-june-2023-upsc-current-affairs-mains-prelims-23/?feed_id=114619&_unique_id=64a67e11d25fe #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #2023 #bestcurrentaffairs #bestnewsanalysisinyoutubeupsc #CurrentAffairs #CurrentAffairsHinduNewspaperAnalysis #dailycurrentaffairs #dailynews #DailyNewspaperAnalysis #JuneCurrentAffairs #NewsAnalysis #shankarcurrentaffairs #shankariasacademy #shankarnewsanalysis #thehindunewsanalysis #TodaysNews #UPSC #upsccurrentaffairs #upscdailynewscurrentaffairs #UPSCNews #upscpreparation #InflationHedge #2023 #bestcurrentaffairs #bestnewsanalysisinyoutubeupsc #CurrentAffairs #CurrentAffairsHinduNewspaperAnalysis #dailycurrentaffairs #dailynews #DailyNewspaperAnalysis #JuneCurrentAffairs #NewsAnalysis #shankarcurrentaffairs #shankariasacademy #shankarnewsanalysis #thehindunewsanalysis #TodaysNews #UPSC #upsccurrentaffairs #upscdailynewscurrentaffairs #UPSCNews #upscpreparation
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