With the risk of a recession rising, AFR economics editor John Kehoe said we are facing a “sharp downturn” as interest rate rises continue to place further strain on Australian households. Subscribe and 🔔: | Get more breaking news at 9News.com.au: 0:00 Economist John Kehoe on Australia's risk of recession 1:44 Queensland's housing crisis 2:38 Newschat guests open up on Queensland's housing budget FOLLOW 9News Australia ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Instagram: Join 9News for the latest in news and events that affect you in your local city, as well as news from across Australia and the world. #9News #BreakingNews #NineNewsAustralia #9NewsAUS...(read more)

BREAKING: Recession News
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The Australian economy has been sailing through turbulent waters in recent times, with uncertainties looming over its future. Economic experts have now raised concerns, warning that the odds of a recession hitting the country stand at a worrisome rate of 50 percent. This news comes as a wake-up call to the government, businesses, and citizens alike, urging them to take precautionary measures and brace themselves for the potential economic downturn. The current pandemic, combined with a host of other factors, has left the Australian economy vulnerable. The global health crisis has disrupted supply chains, halted international travel, and brought various sectors to a standstill. Australia heavily relies on industries such as tourism and hospitality, which have been hit the hardest due to travel restrictions and social distancing measures. With domestic spending also taking a hit as a result of rising unemployment and reduced consumer confidence, it is clear that the road to economic recovery will not be an easy one. Experts are pointing to a number of other factors contributing to the heightened risk of recession. One key challenge lies within the housing market, which has been a significant driver of economic growth in recent years. While low-interest rates have encouraged borrowing and stimulated the housing sector, there are concerns that a property bubble may burst, leading to a decline in housing prices. This could have a ripple effect on consumer spending, as individuals may feel less wealthy and subsequently reduce their discretionary spending. Moreover, the trade tensions between Australia and its largest trading partner, China, further add fuel to the fire. China's recent imposition of tariffs and trade restrictions on Australian goods has had a detrimental impact on various sectors, including barley, wine, and beef exports. As a result, Australia has had to seek alternative markets for its products, creating additional challenges for local producers and exporters. However, it is not all doom and gloom. The Australian government has already taken steps to counteract the potentially dire consequences of a recession. The Reserve Bank has lowered interest rates to historic lows, providing stimulus to the economy by encouraging borrowing and investment. Additionally, the government has announced multiple stimulus packages and initiatives aimed at revitalizing various sectors. These measures, combined with the country's strong economic fundamentals and its ability to adapt and recover from past crises, are reasons to remain cautiously optimistic. Nonetheless, the possibility of a recession should not be taken lightly. Businesses need to adopt strategies to weather the storm, such as diversifying their markets and product offerings. Citizens should be prudent with their spending habits and consider saving for rainy days. The government must continue to closely monitor the situation and be prepared to take further action if necessary. In conclusion, the warning from economic experts about the 50 percent odds of an Australian recession demands attention and action. While the road ahead may present challenges, it is crucial to remember that resilience has been a hallmark of the Australian economy. By staying proactive, adaptable, and united, Australia can navigate through these uncertain times and emerge stronger on the other side. https://inflationprotection.org/experts-warn-that-there-is-a-50-chance-of-an-australian-recession-according-to-9-news-australia/?feed_id=113779&_unique_id=64a30939083fc #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #50percentrecessionrisk #9news #9news #AustraliaNews #australianbudget #australianeconomy #australianhouseholds #Australianrecession #brisbanenews #Channel9 #channel9news #economy #financialnews #interestrate #interestraterises #latestNews #MelbourneNews #newsaustralia #Ninenews #NineNewsAustralia #recession #recessionfears #RecessionRisk #ReserveBank #reservebankofaustralia #SydneyNews #RecessionNews #50percentrecessionrisk #9news #9news #AustraliaNews #australianbudget #australianeconomy #australianhouseholds #Australianrecession #brisbanenews #Channel9 #channel9news #economy #financialnews #interestrate #interestraterises #latestNews #MelbourneNews #newsaustralia #Ninenews #NineNewsAustralia #recession #recessionfears #RecessionRisk #ReserveBank #reservebankofaustralia #SydneyNews
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