Los expertos en espadas Paul y Drew han vuelto para demostrar sus increíbles habilidades con la espada recreando movimientos de "For Honor" de 2017. Nos llevan a través de una selección de movimientos, los chicos se turnan para demostrar sus técnicas y luego pasan a explicar lo bueno / eficaz que estos movimientos pueden ser en un duelo real. Vanguards Bane, Balors Might y Twisting Blades son algunos de los movimientos que se muestran, así que si te interesan los expertos en espadas, For Honor o simplemente "apuñalar, apuñalar, apuñalar", ¡este es el vídeo perfecto para ti! Una batalla épica por la supervivencia comienza después de que la ira de un gran cataclismo enfrente a 4 de las facciones guerreras más feroces de la historia. Conviértete en un valiente caballero, un brutal vikingo, un letal samurái o un temible Wu Lin y lucha por el honor de tu facción. Tu misión es abrir un camino de destrucción por el campo de batalla en este trepidante thriller que mezcla la habilidad con el visceral combate cuerpo a cuerpo. #PorElHonor #ExpertosEnEspadas #LosExpertosDemuestran -------------------- Drew Curtis: Paul Suda: -------------------- 00:00 - Introducción 00:55 - La perdición de Vanguard 01:21 - Ventaja de la garra depredadora 01:52 - Shoulder Bash Cargado Top Heavy 02:38 - Contragolpe en imbloqueable 03:19 - El poder de Balor 03:48 - Ataque, flujo rápido al poder de Balor 04:27 - Bestia De Presa A Cadenas 04:50 - Tabla Y Hoja 05:12 - Torbellino del Anciano 05:48 - Rotura de guardia a puñalada 06:29 - Torsión de espadas 07:21 - Mezcla De Empujón En Brazo Largo 08:22 - Remate de justicia veloz 08:47 - Remate Tenebris Rising To Light 09:27 - Remate Giro Horizonte a Luz 10:00 - Conclusión -------------------- ¡Echa un vistazo a algunos de nuestros vídeos anteriores! Expertos en Espadas REACCIONAN a los combates en For Honor | Los Expertos Reaccionan Lista de reproducción de Los Expertos Reaccionan: -------------------- Gameplay de Gamology -------------------- Up In My Jam (All Of A Sudden) by - Kubbi Creative Commons - Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported- CC BY-SA 3.0 Descarga gratuita / Streaming: Música promovida por Audio Library -------------------- ¡Mantente al día con nosotros en las redes sociales! Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: ...(read more)

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"HEMA Experts Recreate Moves from 'For Honor' | The Experts Demonstrate" The Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) community has been enjoying a surge in popularity in recent years. With a keen interest in studying and recreating historical combat techniques, these experts have taken a step further by recreating the unique and exciting moves from the popular video game, 'For Honor.' 'For Honor' is a fast-paced action game that takes place in a fictional medieval-inspired setting. The game showcases warriors from different historical eras, including knights, vikings, and samurais. It offers players a thrilling combat experience, incorporating different styles and techniques that make it a favorite among gamers and sword enthusiasts alike. Taking their passion for historical combat to a new level, HEMA experts have analyzed and studied the in-game moves featured in 'For Honor' and have successfully recreated them in real life. Through hours of practice and meticulous attention to detail, these experts have managed to bring the virtual movements to life, adding an extra layer of authenticity and excitement to their training routines. By using their deep understanding of historical swordsmanship and their mastery of various weapons, such as longswords, rapiers, and arming swords, HEMA practitioners demonstrate their ability to replicate the complex and dynamic combat sequences seen in the game. Their dedication to martial arts and historical accuracy ensures that each move is executed with precision and with respect to the source material. These recreations not only serve as an entertaining display of skill but also present a unique opportunity for HEMA experts to analyze and interpret the design and mechanics of the game's combat system. By translating digital movements into physical reality, they gain insights into the efficiency, practicality, and historical relevance of these techniques. Moreover, this cross-over between digital gaming and real-life swordsmanship helps to introduce a new audience to the fascinating world of HEMA and its study of European martial traditions. The recreation of 'For Honor' moves by HEMA experts showcases the continued growth and evolution of the HEMA community. Their commitment to historical accuracy, combined with their enthusiasm for exploring new frontiers, brings a fresh perspective to the study of historical combat. By bridging the gap between popular culture and historical accuracy, HEMA practitioners inspire a greater understanding and appreciation for the art of swordplay. In conclusion, HEMA experts have impressed with their recreation of moves from the popular video game, 'For Honor.' Their dedication, knowledge, and passion for martial arts have allowed them to bring virtual combat to life, providing an exciting spectacle for both enthusiasts and newcomers to appreciate. The fusion of traditional European swordsmanship and cutting-edge gaming proves that the world of HEMA is constantly evolving and adapting to new challenges, making it an engaging and vibrant community that continues to push the boundaries of historical combat. https://inflationprotection.org/los-expertos-en-hema-recrean-los-movimientos-de-for-honor-y-demuestran-sus-habilidades/?feed_id=120800&_unique_id=64bf909e0ed72 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #acrobacias #artesmarciales #caballero #comparación #ejecución #espadaexpertosporhonor #expertosenespadarecrean #expertosenhema #expertosintentanporhonor #expertosreaccionanaporhonor #expertosrecrean #gamexts1e033 #juegodelucha #juegosdeluchaconespada #naginata #porhonor #porhonorejecucionesirl #porhonornuevasejecuciones #reaccionandoaporhonor #realista #samurái #shaolin #técnicasdeluchaconespada #ubisoft #vidareal #vikingo #VanguardIRA #acrobacias #artesmarciales #caballero #comparación #ejecución #espadaexpertosporhonor #expertosenespadarecrean #expertosenhema #expertosintentanporhonor #expertosreaccionanaporhonor #expertosrecrean #gamexts1e033 #juegodelucha #juegosdeluchaconespada #naginata #porhonor #porhonorejecucionesirl #porhonornuevasejecuciones #reaccionandoaporhonor #realista #samurái #shaolin #técnicasdeluchaconespada #ubisoft #vidareal #vikingo
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