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Abandoned Cities Discovered in the Sahara: A Glimpse into the Past The Sahara Desert, known for its vast expanse of sand dunes and harsh living conditions, has always been perceived as a desolate and uninhabited place. However, recent archaeological discoveries have unearthed a forgotten chapter in the history of this arid region, revealing the existence of abandoned cities that were once bustling with life. 1. Timgad: One of the most striking finds is Timgad, located in modern-day Algeria. Founded in 100 AD during the reign of Emperor Trajan, this Roman city once thrived as a trading center and an essential link between Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Timgad boasted well-planned streets, a network of sewage systems, and grand structures such as a theater that could seat up to 3,500 people. Over time, however, Timgad fell into decline due to a combination of natural disasters and political instability. Devastating earthquakes in the 5th and 8th centuries, along with the fall of the Roman Empire and subsequent invasions, eventually led to the city's abandonment. Today, visitors can stand in awe of the remarkably well-preserved ruins, providing a snapshot of life in ancient times. 2. Ksar Ghilane: Deep within the Tunisian Sahara lies Ksar Ghilane, an abandoned fortified oasis. Originally built by the Romans, it served as a military outpost and a vital stop along the trans-Saharan trade route. The oasis provided shelter, water, and rest for travelers crossing the harsh desert, making it a strategic location for several empires throughout history. With the decline of trans-Saharan trade and advancements in transportation, Ksar Ghilane gradually lost its importance. Today, the remains of Roman fortifications, including a small castle, are the only remnants of this once-thriving oasis town. Despite the desolation, Ksar Ghilane continues to attract tourists and adventurers seeking the romance of the Sahara's past. 3. Koumbi Saleh: Situated in present-day Mauritania, Koumbi Saleh is an ancient city renowned for being the capital of the Ghana Empire from the 9th to 11th centuries. The empire, known for its wealth and control over gold trade routes, made Koumbi Saleh a flourishing center of commerce and a hub for Islamic culture. While the exact reasons for its abandonment remain unclear, historians and archaeologists speculate that the decline of the gold trade and internal conflicts led to the city's downfall. Today, Koumbi Saleh is a UNESCO World Heritage site where visitors can marvel at its ruins, including the remains of a royal palace, mosques, and countless artifacts that depict the once-thriving civilization. These abandoned cities discovered in the Sahara Desert offer us a glimpse into the rich and diverse history of this vast and seemingly desolate region. They remind us that even in the harshest climates, civilizations have thrived, traded, and left their mark on the earth. As archaeologists continue to explore and uncover more about these forgotten cities, the Sahara's past becomes increasingly tangible, allowing us to reflect on the rise and fall of ancient civilizations. https://inflationprotection.org/sahara-unveils-hidden-cities-left-in-abandonment/?feed_id=120562&_unique_id=64beaf5bd87e5 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #adapt2030 #africatravel2023 #ancientcanalsdiscovered #ancientquarries #ancienttemplessahara #civilizationcollapse #civilizationcycle #daviddubyne #davidstighansen #economiccycles #electricgeology #eyeofafrica #globalcataclysm #historicalcycles #insightandanalysis #IRAeligiblesilver #miniiceageconversationspodcast #newarchaeology #newdiscoveriesrichatstructure #newera #preciousmetalsira #prehistoricmining #richatstructureplato #saharadesertruines #silverira #silverirarollover #surviveandthrive #SilverIRA #adapt2030 #africatravel2023 #ancientcanalsdiscovered #ancientquarries #ancienttemplessahara #civilizationcollapse #civilizationcycle #daviddubyne #davidstighansen #economiccycles #electricgeology #eyeofafrica #globalcataclysm #historicalcycles #insightandanalysis #IRAeligiblesilver #miniiceageconversationspodcast #newarchaeology #newdiscoveriesrichatstructure #newera #preciousmetalsira #prehistoricmining #richatstructureplato #saharadesertruines #silverira #silverirarollover #surviveandthrive
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