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SSS Pension / Retirement Benefits Computation: A Complete Guide | KUYAS TV Retirement is an inevitable stage in our lives that we all look forward to with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. To ease some of these concerns, the Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines provides pension benefits to eligible members who have contributed to the system throughout their years of employment. In this article, we will explore the calculation process of SSS pension and retirement benefits, ensuring that you have a complete understanding of how your future finances will be managed. First and foremost, it is important to determine the eligibility criteria for SSS pension benefits. To qualify, one must have contributed at least 120 monthly contributions and must be at least 60 years old, for optional retirement, or 65 years old for the mandatory one. It is also important to note that retired members who are entitled to monthly pensions from both SSS and GSIS (Government Service Insurance System) will have their monthly pension from SSS reduced by the monthly pension they receive from GSIS. The computation of SSS pension benefits is based on the number of credited years of service and the amount of contributions made during that period. The highest average daily salary credit (ADSC) will be considered for the computation. The ADSC is calculated based on the monthly salary credits (MSC) for the highest 60 monthly salary credits from the last 120 months prior to the semester of retirement. For a member who has contributed a total of 120 monthly contributions, the formula for computing the monthly pension is as follows: 300 + (20% x (ADSC - 1,000)) In this formula, the 300 represents the minimum monthly pension, while the 20% refers to the credited years of service from the date of coverage up to the current year. The 1,000 represents the minimum amount of ADSC that is exempted from the computation. To simplify the calculation process, the SSS provides a Pension Calculator on their official website. Here, you can input your details, including your birthdate, start date of coverage, and monthly contributions, to receive an accurate estimate of your pension benefits. It is crucial to emphasize that regularly updating your SSS records and paying your contributions promptly will ensure that you receive your entitled benefits during retirement. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in a delay or reduction in pension benefits. In conclusion, understanding the computation process of SSS pension and retirement benefits is integral in guaranteeing financial security during your golden years. By knowing the eligibility criteria and utilizing the resources provided by the SSS, such as the Pension Calculator, you can plan effectively for your retirement and ensure a comfortable future. So, start investing in your future today and take control of your retirement plans with the help of SSS pension benefits. https://inflationprotection.org/calculating-sss-pension-and-retirement-benefits-through-kuyas-tv/?feed_id=141520&_unique_id=65194acc2d28e #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #kuyastv #SSS #ssspension #ssspensionclaimupdates #ssspensioncomputation #ssspensioncomputation2020 #ssspensioncomputationforofw #ssspensionincrease2020philippines #ssspensionupdate #ssspensionerupdate #ssspensionerupdate2020 #ssspesofund #ssspesofundprogram #sssretirements #sssretirementscomputation #RetirementPension #kuyastv #SSS #ssspension #ssspensionclaimupdates #ssspensioncomputation #ssspensioncomputation2020 #ssspensioncomputationforofw #ssspensionincrease2020philippines #ssspensionupdate #ssspensionerupdate #ssspensionerupdate2020 #ssspesofund #ssspesofundprogram #sssretirements #sssretirementscomputation
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