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How to Save Taxes and Apply for White Card Food Coupons with 401k/IRA Retirement Accounts for Early Retirement - Cantonese Tips for Living in the US

今集跟大家分享在美國生活不可不提的退休帳戶:401k、IRA 、FSA、HSA。它們如何幫助您規劃退休生活、節省稅金,怎至申請社會福利呢? *本集字幕由Whisper AI自動生成,會存在不少錯漏。 大家好!我是Tommy Ho,一個移民美國洛杉磯的香港人。在這裡,你可以找到各種美國生活資訊。如果你對這個頻道有什麼意見,希望可以在留言告訴我,我會盡快答覆! My Email: #移民美國 #提早退休 #美國稅務 #香港人移民美國生活 #移民 #移民美国 #香港人 #低收入 #洛杉磯 #香港 #美國工作 #生活開支 #美國教育 #回流香港 #退休規劃... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts INVESTING IN A GOLD IRA: Gold IRA Account INVESTING IN A SILVER IRA: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA 401k/IRA Retirement Accounts, Early Retirement, Tax Savings, and Applying for EBT Food Stamps 【Life in the United States】in Cantonese If you're planning for retirement, it's important to understand the benefits of 401k/IRA retirement accounts. These accounts are a great way to save money for your retirement years while also enjoying tax savings. An employer-sponsored 401k plan lets employees contribute a portion of their paycheck to a tax-deferred savings account. This means ...