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Showing posts with the label TraderUniversity

"Permanently No Bailouts for Banks"

Get the "Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin" course: Use the discount code YT99 to get the best price. In this video, I make the argument that Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) should NOT receive a government bailout. Depositors with less than $250,000 will be made whole by FDIC insurance. Taxpayer money should never be used to bail out bankers and VCs. Printing new money to bail out banks increases inflation for the working and middle classes, who are less likely to employ inflation hedges. If you are moved to help victims of bank collapses, feel free to do so using your own money, not taxpayers' money. Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor. Silicon Valley Bank is shut down by regulators in biggest bank failure since global financial crisis: NetBank: Rust belt: Opioids and rural America: Sackler family and the cost of doing business: How FDA Failures Contributed to the Opioid Crisis: Billionaires need their bailouts: Bill Ackman uses CNBC to ...

The Worst Investment Mistake You Can Make Under Hyperinflation

Learn to trade futures: Use the discount code YT99 to get the best price. In this video, I discuss why you should never use leverage when investing in an environment of high inflation or even hyperinflation. Asset prices like stocks, gold, and Bitcoin will almost certainly go up a lot (as denominated in that local currency), but the path that they take will be extremely volatile. If you are using any leverage, there is a higher chance that you get stopped out of your trade/investment before you end up being right about the endgame. Investing is always a path-dependent game when you are using margin or leverage. It's a much better idea to take an unleveraged position in Bitcoin by dollar cost averaging in and holding it in cold storage for the long-term. Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor. What Happens To Stocks And Real Estate In Hyperinflation? Chart of Zimbabwe stock market: Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic: What gold did in Weimar: ...