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Showing posts with the label farmlandinvestment

Should I Put Riskier Stocks in my Roth IRA? | Portfolio Rescue 65

On episode 65 of Portfolio Rescue, Ben Carlson and Duncan Hill are joined by RWM CFO and tax superstar Bill Sweet to discuss short-term vs long-term bonds, investing in farmland, getting out of concentrated stock positions, utilizing a Roth IRA, and much more! Submit your Portfolio Rescue questions to! ►00:00 - Intro ►03:33 - Long-term vs short-term bonds. ►12:18 - Investing in farmland. ►18:30 - Utilizing a Roth IRA. ►24:00 - Best way to diversify out of large single stock positions. ►27:47 - Should I Put Riskier Stocks in my Roth IRA? 👕 Check out The Compound shop: 🎙️ Listen to our podcasts: The Compound and Friends: Animal Spirits: Portfolio Rescue: Talk with us about your portfolio or financial plan here: Check out Ritholtz Wealth's automated investing platform, Liftoff: Instagram: Twitter: Tik Tok: Facebook: Investing involves the risk of loss. This podcast is for informational purposes only and ...