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Mitigating Risk through Investments: Real Estate, Variable Annuities, and Inflation - YMYW Podcast 321

Today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 321 with Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA: is selling rental property to buy a variable annuity a good risk management strategy against sequence of return and interest rate risks? Small-cap vs. emerging markets: which has better risk-adjusted returns for market volatility? Are eREITs (non-traded real estate investment trusts) a good retirement investment? Is RPAR Risk Parity ETF a good inflation hedge? Should you do tax gain harvesting in declining financial markets? Access the transcript and resources, ask money questions: 00:00 - Intro 01:18 - Should I Sell Rental Property and Buy a Variable Annuity, Since Bonds Will Lose Value as Interest Rates Increase? (Tom, Lynwood, WA) 15:10 - What Do You Think of eREITs? (Jim, Santa Cruz, CA) 18:00 - Inflation: Should I Invest in RPAR Risk Parity ETF? (Mo, Orange County) 24:39 - Emerging Markets vs Small-Cap: Which Has Better Risk-Adjusted Return? Should I Get Rid of My Variable An...