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Showing posts with the label middleclass

"Examining the Advantages and Disadvantages of Transferring 401k to IRA" #shorts

What are the pros and cons to rolling over your 401k to an IRA?... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA Rolling over your 401k to an IRA has become a popular practice among many investors. This process involves transferring the funds from a 401k account into an Individual retirement account (IRA). The benefits and drawbacks of this financial move are the focus of this article. Pros: 1. More Investment Options IRAs offer a much wider range of investment options as compared to 401k plans, which often have limited fund choices. An IRA can offer you the flexibility to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and other investment vehicles that were not available in your 401k plan . 2. Better Control Over Your Investments Once you roll over your 401k into an IRA, you have complete control over your investm...

Silicon Valley Bank Bailouts: Federal Investigation Confirms Bias, according to Batya Ungar-Sargon

Batya Ungar-Sargon comments on the Fed's questionable priorities in choosing to bailout banks following Silicon Valley Bank's failure. Originally aired March 16, 2023: #svb #fed #workingclass About Rising: Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. The show leans into the day's political cycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders who can predict what is going to happen. It also sets the day's political agenda by breaking exclusive news with a team of scoop-driven reporters and demanding answers during interviews with the country's most important political newsmakers. Follow Rising on social media: Website: Hill.TV Facebook: Instagram: @HillTVLive Twitter: @HillTVLive... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: ...

第59期 哪两类人不必须规划长期护理?利用杠杆做好长期护理是不是更好呢?低收入低资产,高收入高资产,中产阶级要怎么应对?

长期护理很重要,而且花费巨大。那我们都应该仔细了解一下长期护理。但是不是每个人都一定要规划长期护理呢?那也不是,有两类人是可以不用规划长期护理的!您是那两类人之一吗?即便是不必要规划长期护理,但是如果规划是不是更好呢? ***** 欢迎大家订阅《潘老师小课堂》,退休生活有保障! 想了解更详细的内容,或者有任何有关退休,年金,人寿保险,医疗保险,税务规划等等方面的,可以跟我们联系: 微信:pan-financial-inc 其他相关节目 第57期: 2023 年报税须知,个人报税截止日期4月18号,早报税好还是晚报税好?现在还可以存2022年的IRA或Roth IRA吗?要注意什么? 第56期,2023年税率更新,我们需要交多少税?所有的收入都要交税吗?有效税率怎么计算的?我们是选择标准抵扣还是逐项抵扣好? 退休规划第52期:谁有资格用白卡Medicaid支付长期护理费用,三个条件:医生证明,收入,资产要求。联邦医保红蓝卡只支付短期费用 (LTC) 退休规划第51期:谁来为长期护理买单,国会研究处统计:Medicaid白卡是长期护理支付的最大金主,其次是Medicare 红蓝卡,接下来是个人掏腰包,保险及其他,您是哪一个类别? 第49期 医疗保险包治百病吗?得了大病重疾,慢性病,或者需要长期护理医疗保险能保多少?有什么备选方案?Medicare红蓝卡能保吗? 第44期:全面综合了解 Medicare 老年医保红蓝卡,IEP,65岁前后三个月开始申请,SEP/GEP,Part ABCD都包括什么?Medigap 与MA的区别 第43期:奥巴马医疗保险3个重要问题:奥巴马保险Obama Care 是不是给穷人用的?已有疾病会不会被拒保?好医生会不会不接受奥巴马保险? 第40期:老年补充医疗保险Medigap 和MA(C)哪个好?优点和缺点,逐项详细比较,量身选择。 第39期:退休年金 vs. Pension:定量数据比较年金与Pension,年金有终身收入,税务优化,资产传承,增长潜力等优势,抗风险抗通胀 第27期:退休规划-RMD-退休金里面的钱可以一直不取吗?RMD是什么,不按时拿RMD会罚款50%,怎么计算RMD,什么时候必须拿RMD呢? 第26期:如何申请...