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Showing posts with the label socialsecurityat62

Why Opting for Social Security at Full Retirement Age (or Beyond!) is Your Ideal Decision

Only 35% of Social Security recipients file at Full Retirement Age (FRA), yet most of them should... This short video will help you make the decision about when to file for this important part of your retirement income. Questions to Ask A Financial Planner to Determine if They Know How Social Security Really Works Please explain what the best age is for me to file for Social Security and Why? Please explain provisional income to me. What is the best age for my spouse to file for Social Security if her/his retirement benefit is less than half of mine? What are Social Security Credits and how are they calculated? What is a Social Security Breakeven Analysis and is this a good way to determine when to file? Do I need to file for for Social Security for my spouse to receive spousal benefits. What is the Survivor Benefit and how is it determined? What is the payout percentage difference between filing at full retirement age and minimum filing age? Note: If you financial plan...

Is Age 62 Ideal for Retirement? [Factors to Ponder about Social Security]

Visit my Channel URL for more related videos. Here’s the link: CLICK COMMENTS BELOW TO SEE MORE. My previous vlog, “Why retire and collect social security at 62?” To request copy of EXCEL MODEL, Social Security Benefit Break-even Analysis: To request copy of Social Security Manual on Retirement Benefits: What is your full retirement age (FRA)? Social Security changes in 2022: Spousal benefit calculator: Turbotax Free Edition: A FREE eBook, My Free Catechism, has the following features: 1. It has an imprimatur, which means it is approved by the Catholic Church. 2. It is up-to-date, but written from a conservative, traditionalist standpoint. 3. It is written in question-and-answer format. 4. It is illustrated with plenty of colorful illustrations, which make the book interesting and easier to read. Request your FREE copy here: ... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: S...

Social Security Spousal, Survivor, & Divorced Benefits Made Easy

Social Security Spousal, Survivor, & Divorced Benefits Made Easy What are the rules for spousal benefits of Social Security? Social Security Spousal, Survivor, & Divorced Benefits Made Easy Social Security spousal benefits, divorced spousal benefits, and survivors benefits are some of the most overlooked and misunderstood Social Security claiming strategies for families who are on Social Security. If you are currently on Social Security or you are going to be on Social Security soon, it is important you understand your Social Security strategy options. How you qualify for Social Security Spousal Benefits (Married): 1. You are at least 62--unless you are caring for a child under 16 or permanently disabled. 2. You have been married to your spouse for at least 12 months 3. Your spouse is already receiving social security retirement benefits How you qualify for Social Security Spousal Benefits (Divorced): 1. You are not remarried 2. Your ex-spouse i...

Claim Social Security at 62 and Invest the Money--Good or Bad Idea?

Several viewers have recently asked me whether it makes sense to claim social security at 62 if you plan to invest the money. At first, it seems like a solid strategy. While your monthly benefit will be lower, you get years of investment returns you'd otherwise forfeit. It turns out, however, that the issue is a bit more complex. First, depending on your investment returns, claiming social security at 62 may or may not turn out in your favor. The arguably more important issue, however, is taxes. Claiming social security at 62 could affect everything from how much your social security benefits are taxed to IRMAA premiums or ACA credits. It could also affect a Roth conversion strategy. Join the newsletter: ———————————— Video Resources ———————————— Social Security Benefits Calculator: Taxes on SS Benefits: IRMAA Premiums: MAGI for IRMAA: MAGI for ACA Credits: ———————————— Investing Tools ———————————— My Book (Retire Before Mom and Dad): Personal Capital (Investm...

Reasons to Take Social Security at 67 | Should You Wait?

Click for FREE Help: In this video, Sylvia Gordon of The Medicare Family explains reason why you should take Social Security at your Full Retirement Age (FRA) versus taking it when you're first eligible (typically 62). This is Part 2 of our series on "When To Take Social Security". Find Part 1 here: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL: CONTACT US: We know Medicare can be confusing, but you don't have to do it all on your own! Our service is 100% FREE and we are licensed in all 50 states. Call us at 800-970-1964! VISIT OUR WEBSITE: FREE WEBINARS: JOIN FACEBOOK Q&A GROUP: #socialsecurity... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account CONVERTING IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Invest...

5+ Ways to Maximize Your Social Security Benefits

Make the most out of your Social Security in retirement by understanding how Social Security benefits work and what Social Security collecting strategies are available. Allison Alley, CFP®, AIF®, Pure financial advisor outlines 5 ways to maximize your benefits: 1. Understand how your Social Security benefit is calculated. 2. Impact of collecting Social Security benefits early or late. 3. The importance of spousal benefits. 4. Applying for survivor benefits if applicable. 5. How much of your Social Security income is subject to federal taxation. Also: Withdrawing your Social Security Retirement application. Check your Social Security earnings record for accuracy. Download the Social Security Handbook: Watch Allison's full webinar on Maximizing Social Security Benefits Under the Latest Rules: Pure Financial Advisors, LLC is a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor providing comprehensive retirement planning services and tax-optimized investment management to th...