In this video i'm going to show you a very simple yet effective investments for the best vanguard funds for beginners some simple rules to follow, and exactly what to invest in if you're just getting started and want your retirement investing on autopilot. 0:00 Intro 1:04 Is investing complicated? 1:45 3 Simple Investing Rules To Follow 3:05 Breakdown of Fund Groups 3:12 Set & Forget Funds (The Easiest Way to Invest) 4:08 First Target Date Retirement Fund 4:27 Second Target Date Retirement Fund 4:44 Third Target Date Retirement Fund 5:18 Best Funds & Portfolio Balance 6:05 Vanguard's Best Fund 6:29 Best Vanguard Fund for International Stocks 6:52 Vanguard's best Conservative Fund 7:09 Reviewing the 3 Simple Rules 7:29 How To Balance Your Portfolio 7:54 A Rule of Thumb to Consider 8:05 The Balance of a Risky Portfolio 8:22 Vanguard's Suggested Balance 9:00 Pros of the Vanguard Index Funds 9:12 Cons of the Vanguard Index Funds 9:16 Pros of Target Date Retirement Funds 9:28 Cons of Target Date Retirement Funds 9:54 Two Simple Rules to Follow As The Years Go On Subscribe to get new videos on Personal Finance, Career Tips, & Wealth Building: Videos Mentioned: 401k vs IRA Video: Index Fund vs Mutual Fund vs IRA: Vanguard Target Date Retirement Funds Three Simple Rules to Follow For your Vanguard IRA The first rule I follow is to Diversify my investments. The second rule I follow is keep it very simple and invest in vanguard funds. The last rule i follow is I want my retirement investing to be automated as much as possible Vanguard Target Date Retirement Funds These are the easiest funds to invest for vanguard and the most passive. This section explains what target date retirement funds are. 1. VLXVX - Vanguard Target Retirement 2065 Fund 2. Vanguard Target Retirement 2060 Fund (VTTSX) 3. Vanguard Target Retirement 2055 Fund (VFFVX) Best Vanguard Funds To Invest In 1. Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund VTSAX 2. Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund VTIAX 3. Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund VBTLX My Favorite Books to Recommend for Learning about Personal Finance & Productivity: If You Want that Ah-ha Moment - Rich Dad Poor Dad: If You Want To Wipe out Debt - The Total Money Makeover: If You to Invest But Keep It Simple - The Simple Path to Wealth: If You Want A Roadmap to Real Estate Investing - Set for Life: If You Want to Start Side Hustles - The 4-Hour Workweek: If You Want to Build A Career You Love - So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love: If You Want to Declutter Your Mind: Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World: My Gear: Camera: Lens: Mic: Ring Light: Memory Card: End Song Courtesy by Super Lofi World: ( Disclaimer: The above references an opinion and is for entertainment purposes only. I'm not a financial advisor and this is not intended to be investment advice. Consult with a licensed professional for investment advice. Links in the description are typically affiliate links that let you help support the channel at no extra cost....(read more)

REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA
Investing can be a daunting and intimidating endeavor, especially for beginners. But it doesn't have to be. With the right information and guidance, anyone can become a successful investor. Vanguard Funds are one of the most popular and successful investment vehicles out there. They are known for their low fees, wide range of options, and reliable performance. That makes them a great choice for novice investors. So, what are the best Vanguard funds for beginners? It all depends on your goals and risk tolerance. But here are some of the most popular and successful Vanguard funds for beginners: Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF: This fund is a great all-in-one option for beginners. It tracks the entire U.S. stock market, so you get exposure to a wide range of stocks. It has an expense ratio of just 0.04%, making it one of the lowest-cost options out there. Vanguard 500 Index Fund: This fund tracks the S&P 500, giving you exposure to the 500 largest companies in the U.S. It has an expense ratio of just 0.14%, making it one of the most cost-effective options available. Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund: This fund tracks the performance of stocks from developed and emerging markets outside the U.S. It has an expense ratio of 0.11%, making it one of the lowest-cost international funds available. Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund: This fund tracks the performance of the entire U.S. bond market. It has an expense ratio of 0.05%, making it one of the lowest-cost bond funds available. Vanguard REIT Index Fund: This fund tracks the performance of real estate investment trusts (REITs). It has an expense ratio of 0.12%, making it one of the lowest-cost REIT funds available. These are just a few of the many Vanguard funds available for beginners. Before investing, it's important to do some research and decide which funds are best for your individual needs. No matter which Vanguard funds you choose, you can rest assured that you're investing with one of the most reliable and successful investment companies in the world. With Vanguard, you can be sure that you're getting the best possible returns on your investments. https://inflationprotection.org/best-vanguard-funds-for-beginners-easiest-way-to-get-started/?feed_id=69280&_unique_id=63e5bbd582f4f #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #bestVanguardFundsforIra #bestVanguardFundsforrothIra #bestVanguardindexfunds #easiestvanguardfunds #fundstoinvestforvanguard #irainvestingvanguard #nateobrien #Retirement #rothirainvestingvanguard #rothiravanguard #targetdateretirementfundsvanguard #vanguardirainvesting #vanguardirainvestments #vanguardretirementfunds #vanguardtargetdatefunds #vanguardtargetretirementfunds #whataretargetdateretirementfunds #whichfundsforvanguard #SimpleIRA #bestVanguardFundsforIra #bestVanguardFundsforrothIra #bestVanguardindexfunds #easiestvanguardfunds #fundstoinvestforvanguard #irainvestingvanguard #nateobrien #Retirement #rothirainvestingvanguard #rothiravanguard #targetdateretirementfundsvanguard #vanguardirainvesting #vanguardirainvestments #vanguardretirementfunds #vanguardtargetdatefunds #vanguardtargetretirementfunds #whataretargetdateretirementfunds #whichfundsforvanguard
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