It's time that I point out the mistakes that I believe can keep you broke. Frugal Queen in France Like the menu board & Budget Book? We have now started Amazon Affiliate Links its available here: Kitchen Slate Board: Budget Book: We are a British couple living in Brittany on a budget. Frugal recipes, days out, home renovations and day to day making do in France. We’ll give you hints, tips, advice and an insight into our life in France. Website FaceBook Instagram Twitter Equipment used Camera : iPhone Editing : iMovie on a Mac mini Music: Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Artist: Some Sound from Zapsplat.com YouTube Audio Library Apple iMovie*...(read more)

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REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation
As we all know, financial problems can be incredibly difficult to manage. From mounting credit card debt to not having enough saved for retirement, financial issues can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, many people are their own worst enemies when it comes to their finances, and it’s important to be aware of the ways in which we can cause our own financial problems. One of the most common causes of financial problems is poor budgeting. Many people don’t take the time to create and stick to a budget, meaning that they’re more likely to overspend and rack up debt. It’s important to understand your income and expenses, and to create a budget that allows you to save money and pay off debt. Another cause of financial problems is not having enough saved for retirement. Many people fail to plan for their future, and don’t understand the importance of saving for retirement. It’s important to start saving as early as possible, and to take advantage of any employer-sponsored retirement plans or pensions. Finally, another cause of financial problems is not understanding how to invest properly. Investing can be a great way to grow your wealth, but it’s important to understand how to invest safely and wisely. It’s also important to understand the risks associated with investing, and to diversify your investments so that you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. The bottom line is that it’s important to be aware of the ways in which we can cause our own financial problems. By taking the time to create and stick to a budget, save for retirement, and understand how to invest properly, we can ensure that we’re on the right track to financial success. Don’t be that person who causes their own financial problems – take the steps to ensure that you’re in control of your finances! https://inflationprotection.org/people-cause-their-own-financial-problems-dont-be-that-person-finance-retirement-pension/?feed_id=74593&_unique_id=63fe396d0a146 #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #bretagne #brittany #budget #celtic #food #France #frugal #frugalqueen #huelgoat #lifestyle #money #Retired #Retirement #RetirementPension #bretagne #brittany #budget #celtic #food #France #frugal #frugalqueen #huelgoat #lifestyle #money #Retired #Retirement
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