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A Comprehensive Discussion on Retirement Planning by Sherry - Basics of Traditional IRA and Roth IRA, Account Features, Requirements for Account Opening, and Tax Benefits.

Traditional IRA 和 Roth IRA 基础篇 大家好!今天我们聊一聊Traditional IRA 和 Roth IRA 的基础知识。 IRA 全名为 Individual retirement account, 从名字上分解一下它的意思。第一个词,Individual, 个人,这是你自己去开设的账户,不是公司帮你开的,也不是政府给的。开设的时候,以个人名义,不能以夫妻名义。第二个词,retirement, 退休,IRA是为退休而设计的,有税收优惠,但要求你在59岁半以后才能取钱。最后一个词是Account, 账户, IRA不是一种金融产品,而是一个账户,你在里面放什么金融产品,你可以自己确定。 做退休规划为什么必须了解个人退休账户IRA呢?如果你的退休仅仅是依赖美国政府为你提供的养老金,要得到全额养老金必须等到67岁。根据你所付出的社会安全税多少,你可以每个月拿到几百,一两千,两三千不等。2020年美国居民平均每月拿 1500左右。2020 年,67岁退休可以最多拿到的退休金是3011. 能拿到这个数额的人,要有35年,工资都达到交社安金的上限。2020年这个上限是13.7万。只有极少数人拿得到。这个钱多半是不够的。所以还得自己存一些。很多人都有401 K,但是401K每年的存入是有限额的。而且IRA有401k没有的好处。所以对于已经有401K的人来说,还可以考虑存钱到IRA里。 你的钱在这里面,金融机构给你的1099表上有IRA标注,美国国税局就知道你在这个账户里面的钱,是享受有税收优惠的。具体税收优惠下一期再讲,先上一条好记却显为人知的好处,就是如果单身收入在32,500以下家庭收入在65,000以下的话,还可以得到 税收退税款retirement savings Contributions credit 退多少,和存入额和收入有关。单身最多1000元,夫妻最多2000元。如果你投资金融产品,这笔投资不打算在退休以前就取出来使用, 请你务必把IRA账户的好处充分利用。如果还有余钱,再开普通要纳税的投资账户。 IRA, 即Individual retirement account有两种,传统IRA和Roth IRA。他们有一些相同特点,也有不同的地方。 本期节目,我主要介绍IRA共有的特点,不管是传统型,还是Roth都具备的特点,还有和401K相比,它有什么特点。 首先说一下账户特点。第一,就像刚才讲它的名字时,我提到了, 个人退休账户是自己开的有税收优惠的退休账户。不是雇主提供的账户。401K是雇主提供的账户。 第二,投资选择多。 第三, 费用低。 第四,受益人可以自选,夫妻共同财产州除外。举一个例子来说一下这个灵活性在什么情况下很多人喜欢。 X女士五年前去世了,401 K里留下500,000美元,依照401 K的受益人自动设定是配偶这个特点,这500,000就到了她先生小H头上。小H把这500,000美元转入自己名下的401 K 里。去年初小H与小C结婚。可是真不巧,今年小H出了车祸也去世了。这样一来小C就自动得到了小H的所有401 K,这其中就包括x女士的500,000万。在X女士和H先生的两个儿子立刻跳脚不干了。说,即使是自己父亲的401 K给了父亲后娶的妻子小C,那自己母亲的500,000也不应该最后落在了C女士手里呀,他们因此闹上了法庭。法庭怎么判,可能各州各有各的不同。总之是个麻烦事儿。 但是如果x女士的500,000美元,在她过世以后,H先生转入了传统IRA,把受益人写成自己的孩子。那么按照普遍接受的社会观念,这500,000最后不到后妈手中,而是到了孩子手中也是个合理的了。 开户条件是什么呢?开设IRA 的人或配偶要有工作收入-earned income。没有年龄限制,未成年人只要有工作收入也可以开设。如果你已婚,那你和你配偶有一个人有工作收入,就两个人都可以投放IRA。投资收入不算。投放IRA金额不可以超过工资收入。而401K不工作的配偶是不会有的。未成年人一般也没有401K,愿意存的话,IRA 是可行的投资计划。 一年可以存多少钱?退休账户是有税收优惠的所以美国国税局不会让你想存多少就存多少。比如享受401K给你带来的抵税好处,你可以存19,500。再要多存就是税后401K了。 每年可以直接存入到 IRA 的总金额是有限的。2020年直接存入总金额限制是6,000美元。注意哦,我说的是总金额。一个人可以有若干个账户,可以既有传统IRA,也有Roth IRA。美国国税局给出的存入总金额限制,是针对你所有的账户加到一起。年龄超过50岁就可以多存入1000块。直接存入的英语是Contribution. 收入多少都可以存,然后享受一样的税收优惠吗? 这个问题,对于401K, 答案是Yes!但对于IRA,答案是No! 收入对退休账户存入和税收优惠的影响,美国国税局对传统退休账户和roth ira是分开规定的。传统退休账户和roth ira, 有很多不同的地方,我的下一个视频,专门做一个比较。这一期就先知道,对于收入高的个人和家庭,如果你和配偶有雇主提供的计划,那么 传统IRA的存入和税收优惠有限制。 单身收入超过$75,000,夫妻联合报税收入超过124,000 万,本来传统IRA可以给你的税收抵减功能就消失了,所有的存入金额都只能是税后收入。 收入更高一些时,单身收入超过$139,000,夫妻联合报税收入超过206,000 万Roth IRA直接存入完全就不允许,只能接受从其他账户转钱进去。...(read more)

REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA
Planning for retirement is an essential step in ensuring a comfortable and financially secure future. One of the most critical aspects of retirement planning is choosing the right type of retirement accounts. Two popular options are Traditional IRA and Roth IRA, both of which offer unique features and tax benefits. Traditional IRA Basics A Traditional IRA (Individual retirement account) is a tax-deferred retirement account where you contribute pre-tax dollars that reduce your taxable income for the year. The money invested in Traditional IRA grows tax-free until you withdraw it during retirement. At the time of withdrawal, you have to pay taxes on the amount withdrawn, just like you would on ordinary income. The maximum contribution limit for Traditional IRA for the year 2021 is $6,000, and individuals aged 50 or older can contribute an additional $1,000. Roth IRA Basics A Roth IRA is another type of retirement account that differs from a Traditional IRA in several ways. Firstly, the contributions to Roth IRA are made with after-tax dollars, which means that you cannot deduct Roth IRA contributions from your income taxes. However, when you withdraw money from your Roth IRA during retirement, your earnings and contributions are tax-free. In other words, a Roth IRA allows you to pay taxes upfront and benefit from tax-free withdrawals during retirement. The contribution limits for Roth IRA are the same as Traditional IRA, and individuals aged 50 or older can contribute an additional $1,000. Account Features Both Traditional and Roth IRA come with specific features that make them unique. Traditional IRA is suitable for individuals who want to lower their taxable income today and pay taxes on the withdrawals during retirement. On the other hand, Roth IRA is ideal for individuals who want to pay taxes today and benefit from tax-free withdrawals during retirement. Roth IRA also has a few other advantages, such as no withdrawal requirements, meaning you can continue to contribute even after age 70 1/2, and penalty-free early withdrawals for certain expenses like higher education and first-time home purchases. Opening an Account To open a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA account, you need to meet specific eligibility criteria. Any individual who earns income can contribute to a Traditional IRA as long as they are under age 70 1/2. Roth IRA has income eligibility requirements, and you can only contribute to a Roth IRA if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) falls within specific limits. For the year 2021, the maximum MAGI to contribute fully to a Roth IRA is $140,000 for individuals and $208,000 for married couples filing jointly. Tax Benefits Both Traditional IRA and Roth IRA come with tax benefits that make them popular among retirees. Traditional IRA allows you to reduce your tax bill today by deducting contributions from your taxable income. Roth IRA, on the other hand, allows you to take advantage of tax-free withdrawals during retirement, meaning you don't have to pay taxes on your earnings or contributions. Choosing the right type of account depends on your current and future financial situation. In conclusion, Traditional IRA and Roth IRA are both popular retirement accounts that offer unique advantages and tax benefits. Understanding the fundamental features of each account can help you make an informed decision when planning for your retirement. It is crucial to consult a financial advisor before opening any retirement account to determine the best course of action based on your individual needs and circumstances. #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #ira #RothIRA #投资帐户 #税收优惠 #美国生活 #退休帐户 #退休规划 #SpousalIRA #ira #RothIRA #投资帐户 #税收优惠 #美国生活 #退休帐户 #退休规划


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