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Will inflation halve the value of your money? (Tamil) | Rule of 70 | How to beat inflation?

What Is Inflation? Inflation is the decline of purchasing power of a given currency over time. It is reflected in the increase of an average price level of a basket of selected goods and services in an economy over some period of time. Will inflation halve the value of your money? Yes, this is because inflation reduces the purchasing power and erodes the value of the money. Watch this Tamil video @SM EDUTALK to learn about the finance rule (Rule of 70). It is used to calculate how many years will inflation take to halve the value of your money. Also, you will learn how to beat inflation. For more videos, click the following link to enter into the Channel Page: Follow me on Instagram : Make me your friend on Facebook : DISCLAIMER: This Channel DOES NOT promote or encourage any illegal activities. Whatever shared in this video is solely for viewers’ information and educational purpose only. Before applying anything that is mentioned in this video, in practice, get