Investing Solo 401k in US Treasury Direct I Bonds Account - What Name to Use for Entity Registration
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The solo 401k plan, commonly referred to as self-directed Solo 41k is the retirement plan of choice for self-employed individuals or owner-only businesses including for the features highlighted below:
-The highest contribution limits for any defined contribution plan including up to $57,000 (or even $63,500 if you are 50 or older) for 2020 (for 2021: $58k or $64.5 if you are 50 or older).
-The ability to make pre-tax, Roth, and even Mega Backdoor Roth contributions.
-401k participant loans of up to $50,000
-Invest with checkbook control in real estate, cryptocurrencies, notes, private placements, and other types of alternative investments.
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