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Showing posts with the label letswinwithmoney

Traditional IRA: An Effective Tool for Building Wealth and Securing Your Retirement

Investing for our future is something we all know we SHOULD BE doing...yet many of us if we’re honest know we could be doing more. As a matter of fact, according to data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, the personal savings rate in the United States is a paltry, 5.4%...Yikes! One of the MOST COMMON reasons I find that people are not saving and investing more is simply because they DON’T FULLY UNDERSTAND how various investment vehicles work. We say consistently in our office that “once people have all the facts, they’ll make the BEST DECISIONS for their family.” So I wanted to share this educational video that highlights one of the most common investment vehicles used in America today...the Traditional IRA in the hopes that it will help people better understand how these retirement vehicles work. Please note, this is not a recommendation for using a Traditional IRA - just an overview for educational & entertainment purposes. Before making any investment choices, ple...