The Social Security earnings limit has changed. This is the maximum income you can earn before Social Security begins reducing your benefit! Understanding this limit can affect how hard you choose to work while taking Social Security. Afterall, why break your back to make another $1000 when your benefit will just be reduced? We'll help you understand how your benefit is reduced and what you should do if you've already started taking social security but should have waited. Download FREE Cheat Sheet, CLICK HERE 👉 Starting Medicare soon and don't know where to start? WATCH MEDICARE BASICS: Learn exactly how Medicare works in our free workshop here: 📺 Subscribe to our channel if you want more information on Medicare & Social Security: The Medicare Family has been making Medicare and Social Security easy for 40+ years, across all 50 states. And each year, our family continues to help more and more people with how Medicare works, when to take Social Security, and how to find the best Medicare plans. We know that learning about your retirement benefits can be confusing. And it’s hard to find a trusted source of information. We get it! That’s the reason we do what we do. 😄 Visit our website for more in-depth information on Medicare & Social Security: #SocialSecurity...(read more)
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The Social Security earnings limit is a topic that affects many retired Americans who receive Social Security benefits. This limit is the maximum amount of earnings an individual can make from work before their Social Security benefits are reduced. It is important for individuals who are retired or nearing retirement age to understand the earnings limit to avoid any unexpected reductions in their Social Security benefits. Currently, the Social Security earnings limit for 2021 is $18,960, which means that if an individual earns more than this amount from work, their Social Security benefits will be reduced. However, it is important to note that the earnings limit only applies to those who have started receiving Social Security benefits before reaching their full retirement age. For those who have reached their full retirement age, there is no earnings limit and they can earn as much as they want without any reduction in their Social Security benefits. The full retirement age varies depending on the year an individual was born but ranges from 66 to 67 years old. If an individual who is receiving Social Security benefits earns more than the earnings limit, their benefits will be reduced by $1 for every $2 earned above the limit. For example, if an individual earns $20,000 in a year and the earnings limit is $18,960, their Social Security benefits will be reduced by $520 ($1 for every $2 over the limit). It is important to note that the earnings limit only applies to wages earned through work and does not include income from investments or other sources. Additionally, if an individual's Social Security benefits are reduced due to earnings above the limit, they may be eligible to have their benefits recalculated once they reach their full retirement age. Overall, understanding the Social Security earnings limit is crucial for those who are retired or nearing retirement age. By staying within the earnings limit, individuals can avoid any reductions in their Social Security benefits and ensure that they are receiving the maximum amount of benefits available to them. #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #howmuchcanyoumakeonsocialsecurity #maxearningsonsocialsecurity #socialsecurity #socialsecuritybenefitsreduced #socialsecuritybenefitswhileworking #socialsecurityearningslimit #socialsecurityearningslimit2023 #socialsecurityearningstest #socialsecurityexplained #socialsecurityincome #SocialSecurityPlanning #SpousalIRA #howmuchcanyoumakeonsocialsecurity #maxearningsonsocialsecurity #socialsecurity #socialsecuritybenefitsreduced #socialsecuritybenefitswhileworking #socialsecurityearningslimit #socialsecurityearningslimit2023 #socialsecurityearningstest #socialsecurityexplained #socialsecurityincome #SocialSecurityPlanning
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