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Get ready to go mushroom hunting! A foodie's delight! Feeling mentally exhausted? Recharge by taking a nap, watching movies, travelling, running marathons, engaging in outdoor activities, and besides gardening, mushroom picking is not only a great way to exercise but also satisfies the foodie within. Morel mushrooms, chanterelles, porcini, and mushrooms of all kinds - a cancer-fighting treat for health-conscious individuals!

又到了采蘑菇的季节啦!现在有Hen 母鸡,还有honey 黄蜜。不过黄蜜不容易认,但老母鸡太容易了。采蘑菇的同时还可以给脑子放个假充个电。老母鸡不仅好吃,还抗癌,就是太难洗了,每次洗半天,不过采的多了可以分享给朋友,独乐乐不如众乐乐哈! 欢迎关注潘老师小课堂! ********************* 欢迎大家订阅《潘老师小课堂》,理财退休生活有保障! 想了解更详细的内容,或者有任何有关退休,年金,免税收入,人寿保险,医疗保险,税务规划等等方面的,可以跟我们联系: 电话: 734-386-9145/682-433-6055 微信:pan-financial-inc 公众号: ********************* 其他节目: 最近很多年金促销,401k/IRA转入年金要交税吗?年金拿出来要交税吗,怎么交税?请参考:潘老师小课堂第88期,年金与税务, 第87期,卖出租房要怎么交税?有哪些税?5重税plus+,如何避免。 退休规划第86期:社安金领取和红蓝卡申请时间要一致吗?有相关性吗? 第85期,交税了却没有积累点数。不同的收入不同的税,哪种收入都能积累社安金和红蓝卡的40个点的。 第84期:2023年挣多少钱算一个积分? 第22期:父母移民美国怎么购买医疗保险? 第81期: 没有40个积分有社安金养老金和免费的Medicare红蓝卡 Part A吗?不工作的单身、离婚、已婚配偶和丧偶的有什么不同,离异又复婚的怎么算?领取配偶社安金的一半到底有多少 第80期:您知道多大年龄可以领社安金,领多少?能提前领吗?夫妻或单身领取策略有什么不同? 第11期:退休规划:如何优化配偶社安金政府养老金,怎么领取可以最优化,没有工作过,退休可以领社安金吗?最多可以领配偶的一半,Social Security Spousal Benefit 第 8 期: 美国养老退休金,我们能拿多少社安金吗?手把手教你计算,如何优化社安金领取,什么年龄拿社安金比较好呢?晚拿每年8%增长,Social Security Benefit, 拿社安金需要的条件 第79期:房产证上可以加孩子的名字吗?有什么潜在风险?如何避免巨额税和罚款,赠与税,遗产税 第78期:外国人在美国投资房地产,可能多交税喔,一定要注意的税务问题,遗产税,收入税,增值税,需要预扣多少?如何避免多交税?记得交税,否则预扣30%的收入税,卖房扣15%总额的税款 第77期:海外身份,绿卡公民在美国投资怎么收税,各自优缺点,遗产税都是1千2百多万吗?夫妻双方一人绿卡,一人外国人,怎么投资比较划算?外国人投资房地产、股票、公债,银行利息要交税吗? 第76期:免税增长的Roth 拿钱的顺序,常见的问题,重要规则,实例分析,如何避免税和罚款Roth distribution examples 第75期:为什么要做Roth IRA Conversion,有收入限制吗?有什么规则,本金和利息的区别,59岁半之前和59岁半之后的差别。Roth 401k rollover情况是什么样的?实例分析 第74期:Roth IRA的5年规则的真相您知道吗?从哪天开始算5年?什么时候拿没有税和罚款呢?需要等五年吗? 第73期:四重省税工具HSA怎么投资,可以带走并继承吗?IRA可以转成HSA, 第72期:永不交税、四重省税功能的工具您有吗?省双重税,三重税的是哪些? 第71期:如何省税,W2员工与1099自雇主如何最优省税 第70期:申请Medicare的必要条件:必须要40个积分吗,为什么说40个积分很重要 第69期:是W-2省税还是1099省税?万万税的美国,FICA 和SECA是个什么税,可以避免吗? 第3期: Roth IRA Backdoor & Conversion; 什么情况下IRA可以抵税;Conversion注意的税务问题; 第2期: 退休省税 Roth IRA: 为什么要Roth IRA? 能放多少? 什么时候领钱没有罚款? 第1期: 退休省税 Traditional IRA: IRA 什么情况下出现的? 可以省现在的税吗? 什么时候取钱没有罚款? 有RMD吗? 第 9 期: 退休或离职后公司退休金,401(k)/403 B 怎么投资怎么管理比较好? 第68期:我怎么给孩子买房子,避免遗产税和赠与税,买自住房还是出租房,借给孩子钱还需要证据吗,要收利息不?自己的退休怎么办? 第67期:紧急通知,超过65岁,没有合格医疗保险,符合申请红蓝卡但没申请的,请务必在3月31日前申请,否则会有更多的罚款!Cobra和奥巴马保险不能豁免 第66期,可以和孩子共同持有房产吗,能避免遗产税和赠与税吗?有哪些产权持有方式?各有什么优缺点,要注意哪些问题。和其他人共同投资买房呢? 第64期 房地产如何留给孩子,生前赠予还是身后遗产?有美国绿卡或公民和没有美国身份有什么不同?赠予好还是遗产好?增值税遗产税怎么算?怎么做可以省税?gift vs estate 第63期:正在促销的两种年金对比,别买错了喔!全面完整的分析保证型和增长型终身收入指数年金 第62期:买年金前必须了解的一些问题, 哪种年金适合您?弄明白再买,别买错了喔!年金都可以拿一辈子吗?储蓄型年金,lifetime income 终身收入型年金,年金分类 固定 指数 浮动年金 第61期:有多少钱才可以财务自由?一个亿能自由吗?怎么规划才有足够的终身收入,就可以做到财务自由。哪些钱是源源不断的?社安金,年金,pension,Guaranteed Lifetime income 第60期:退休需要多少钱够用?200万够用吗?500万呢?如果要用到长期护理呢?每个月有源源不断的收入进到银行账户,那么退休是不是够用了?生活简单的,喜欢世界旅游的,生活方式不同,需要不同 第58期:年金可以像IRA一样抵税吗?年金拿出来要不要交税?年金是银行的投资理财产品还是保险公司的?现在有最大的年金promotion促销,退休计划可以省税,有的还可以做成年金,Annuity 退休规划第52期:谁有资格用白卡Medicaid支付长期护理费用,三个条件:医生证明,收入,资产要求。联邦医保红蓝卡只支付短期费用 (LTC) 退休规划第51期:谁来为长期护理买单,国会研究处统计:Medicaid白卡是长期护理支付的最大金主,其次是Medicare 红蓝卡,接下来是个人掏腰包,保险及其他,您是哪一个类别? 第49期 医疗保险包治百病吗?得了大病重疾,慢性病,或者需要长期护理医疗保险能保多少?有什么备选方案?Medicare红蓝卡能保吗? 第44期:全面综合了解 Medicare 老年医保红蓝卡,IEP,65岁前后三个月开始申请,SEP/GEP,Part ABCD都包括什么?Medigap 与MA的区别 第43期:奥巴马医疗保险3个重要问题:奥巴马保险Obama Care 是不是给穷人用的?已有疾病会不会被拒保?好医生会不会不接受奥巴马保险? 第40期:老年补充医疗保险Medigap 和MA(C)哪个好?优点和缺点,逐项详细比较,量身选择。 第39期:退休年金 vs. Pension:定量数据比较年金与Pension,年金有终身收入,税务优化,资产传承,增长潜力等优势,抗风险抗通胀 第29期:退休规划之老年医保:满65岁,不够40个点,又不是低收入,怎么买Medicare比较好! 第28期:65岁之前和之后保险有什么不一样? 第27期:退休规划-RMD-退休金里面的钱可以一直不取吗?RMD是什么,不按时拿RMD会罚款50%,怎么计算RMD,什么时候必须拿RMD呢? 第26期:如何申请更多的助学金,FAFSA和CSS填表有哪些注意事项! 第25期:我们用到长期护理的概率有多大? 第24期:什么是长期护理: ...(read more)
Go Mushroom Picking! A Treat for Foodies! How to Recharge after Mental Labor? After long hours of mental exertion, it is essential to find ways to recharge and rejuvenate ourselves. While options such as getting a good night's sleep, watching movies, traveling, running marathons, and engaging in outdoor activities like planting flowers and vegetables are popular choices, one activity that not only exercises the body but also satisfies the taste buds is mushroom picking. Not to mention the various health benefits associated with mushrooms such as the Hericium erinaceus (Lion's mane mushroom), Chanterelle mushroom, Porcini mushroom, and Matsutake mushroom. Mushroom picking, also known as foraging, has become a popular recreational activity for nature enthusiasts and food lovers alike. Not only does it offer a chance to connect with nature and engage in physical activity, but it also provides an opportunity to indulge in the delights of edible mushrooms. The thrill of searching for mushrooms in the wild, the knowledge gained about various species, and the satisfaction of bringing back a basket full of delicious fungi are unmatched experiences. Among the most sought-after mushrooms for foodies are the Hericium erinaceus, Chanterelle mushroom, Porcini mushroom, and Matsutake mushroom. The Hericium erinaceus, also known as Lion's mane mushroom, is known for its brain-boosting abilities and is said to improve cognitive function. This mushroom has a unique appearance, with a cascading white or yellowish appearance resembling a lion's mane, hence the name. Its culinary uses are vast, making it a favorite among chefs and mushroom enthusiasts. Chanterelle mushrooms, golden or yellow in color with a fruity and peppery aroma, are widely considered a delicacy. Their strong flavor and meaty texture make them a versatile ingredient in various dishes. Similarly, Porcini mushrooms, also known as the Cep or Penny Bun, are highly prized for their nutty, earthy flavor and are often dried and used as a seasoning or added to soups and stews. Lastly, the Matsutake mushroom, a delicacy in Japanese cuisine, has a distinct spicy and pine-like aroma, which adds a unique flavor profile to dishes. In addition to the culinary benefits, mushroom picking also provides numerous health benefits. The act of walking or hiking in search of mushrooms is a great way to exercise and stay fit. The fresh air, peaceful surroundings, and time spent in nature have a calming effect on the mind and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Furthermore, being exposed to sunlight during the activity allows our bodies to produce vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and overall well-being. However, it is important to note that mushroom picking requires knowledge and caution. Some mushrooms can be toxic or even deadly if consumed unknowingly. It is recommended to go with someone experienced in mushroom foraging or to join organized mushroom picking groups to ensure safety and accurate identification of edible mushrooms. So, the next time you find yourself mentally drained and in need of a recharge, consider going mushroom picking. Engaging in this activity not only provides physical exercise and fresh air but also allows you to satisfy your foodie cravings. Whether it's the brain-boosting Lion's mane mushroom or the flavorful Chanterelle, Porcini, and Matsutake mushrooms, mushroom picking offers a unique experience that combines adventure, culinary exploration, and the joys of being in nature. And don't forget, while you're out there, you might stumble upon other natural wonders such as wildflowers, fresh fruits, and vegetables, making it a truly rewarding and fulfilling experience. #Inflation #Retirement #GoldIRA #Wealth #Investing #Henofwoods #户外运动 #牛肝菌和灰树花 #羊肚菌 #蘑菇 #采蘑菇 #鸡油菌 #BackdoorRothIRA #Henofwoods #户外运动 #牛肝菌和灰树花 #羊肚菌 #蘑菇 #采蘑菇 #鸡油菌


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